Advanced Certificates Advanced certificates allow you to customize your education and augment your skills and knowledge to best suit your professional goals. All Degrees & Certificates /degree/certificate/addictions-counseling Addictions Counseling Certificate /degree/certificate/digitally-rich-teaching Digitally-Rich Teaching Certificate Fully online option /degree/certificate/elementary-mathematics-specialist Elementary Math Specialist (K-6) Certificate Fully online option /degree/masters/health-professions-education Health Professions Education Master's or Certificate Fully online option /degree/certificate/school-building-district-leaders K-12 School Building or District Leaders Master's or Certificate Fully online option /degree/certificate/disability-inclusion-leaders Leadership in Disability & Inclusion Certificate /degree/masters/mental-health-counseling Mental Health Counseling Master's or Certificate Fully online option Mind/Body Healing & Wellness Certificate /degree/masters/online-teaching Online Teaching Master's or Certificate Fully online option /degree/masters/program-evaluation Program Evaluation Master's or Certificate /degree/masters/school-counseling School Counseling Master's or Certificate /degree/certificate/teacher-leadership Teacher Leadership Certificate Fully online option /degree/masters/teaching/tesol Teaching English as a Second Language Master's or Certificate /degree/certificate/urban-teaching-leadership Urban Teaching & Leadership Certificate Take a Course before Applying Try us out Schedules and Courses Learn more