Faculty DirectoryThe Warner School of Education and Human Development's diverse and expert faculty includes individuals in tenure-track, clinical-track, and visiting scholars dedicated to advancing education through teaching, research and mentorship.Faculty can serve as advisors, supervise independent studies, serve on comprehensive exams, and sponsor and serve on EdD dissertation committees. Tenure-track faculty can also serve on and sponsor PhD dissertation committees. Our faculty lead change in the fields of education and human development and shape an Ever Better future. /directory/nancy-ares /directory/nancy-ares Nancy Ares Professor EmeritaTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 457 (585) 273-5957 nares@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Nancy Ares /directory/andrea-barrett Andrea Barrett Assistant Professor (Clinical), Co-Chair Educational LeadershipEducational Leadership LeChase Hall 416 (585) 275-1007 abarrett@warner.rochester.edu /directory/raffaella-borasi Raffaella Borasi Frederica Warner Professor, Director Center for Learning in the Digital AgeTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 446 rborasi@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Raffaella Borasi /directory/zenon-borys Zenon Borys Assistant Professor (Clinical) and Assistant Director LiDATeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 444 zborys@warner.rochester.edu /directory/oliver-boxell Oliver Boxell Assistant ProfessorCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 408 oliver.boxell@warner.rochester.edu /directory/brian-brent Brian Brent Earl B. Taylor Professor, Co-Chair Educational LeadershipEducational Leadership LeChase Hall 432 (585) 275-3930 bbrent@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Brian Brent /directory/cynthia-callard Cynthia Callard Professor (Clinical) and Associate Dean for Graduate StudiesDean's Office LeChase Hall 324 ccallard@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Cynthia Callard /directory/cynthia-carson Cynthia Carson Assistant Professor (Clinical)Center for Learning in the Digital Age; Center for Professional Development and Education Reform LeChase Hall 445 ccarson@warner.rochester.edu /directory/jeffrey-choppin Jeffrey Choppin ProfessorTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 448 (585) 273-4913 jchoppin@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Jeffrey Choppin /directory/randall-curren Randall Curren Professor (joint appointment; main affiliation: Department of Philosophy, the College)Educational Leadership Lattimore 532 (585) 275-8112 rcurren@mail.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Randall Curren /directory/mary-jane-curry Mary Jane Curry Associate ProfessorTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 474 (585) 273-5934 mjcurry@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Mary Jane Curry /directory/andrea-cutt Andrea Cutt Associate Professor (Clinical)Educational Leadership LeChase Hall 418 acutt@warner.rochester.edu /directory/michael-daley Michael Daley Associate Professor (Clinical) and Director of the Center for Professional Development and Education Reform LeChase Hall 256 (585) 270-1458 mdaley@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Michael Daley /directory/samantha-daley Samantha Daley Associate Professor and Associate Dean for ResearchCounseling & Human Development; Educational Leadership; Teaching & CurriculumDean's Office LeChase Hall 318 (585) 273-5090 sdaley@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Samantha Daley /directory/marissa-davala Marissa Davala Associate Professor (Clinical) Counseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 489 (585) 275-6305 mdavala@warner.rochester.edu /directory/karen-deangelis Karen DeAngelis Associate ProfessorEducational Leadership LeChase Hall 422 (585) 275-3971 kdeangelis@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Karen DeAngelis /directory/kathryn-douthit Kathryn Douthit Professor EmeritaCounseling & Human Development kdouthit@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Kathryn Douthit /directory/joyce-duckles Joyce Duckles Associate Professor (Clinical)Counseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 483 (585) 276-4894 joyce.duckles@warner.rochester.edu /directory/david-figlio David Figlio Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and EducationOther University of Rochester Wallis Hall david.figlio@rochester.edu /directory/kimberly-fluet Kimberly Fluet Assistant Professor (Clinical)Center for Professional Development and Education Reform LeChase Hall 246 (585) 348-7517 kfluet@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Kimberly Fluet /directory/eric-fredericksen Eric Fredericksen Professor (Clinical), Associate Director Center for Learning in the Digital AgeEducational Leadership LeChase Hall 442 (585) 273-1714 eric.fredericksen@rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Eric Fredericksen /directory/doug-guiffrida Doug Guiffrida Professor, Director of the Counseling Program and Director of the Advanced Certificate Program in Mind/Body Healing and WellnessCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 490 (585) 275-3964 dguiffrida@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Douglas Guiffrida Michelle Heckman Visiting Assistant ProfessorTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 463 (585) 273-3341 mheckman@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity /directory/mary-judge-diegert Mary Judge-Diegert Assistant Professor (Clinical)Center for Disability and Education LeChase Hall 470 (585) 273-1838 mjudge@warner.rochester.edu /directory/nahoko-kawakyu-oconnor Nahoko Kawakyu O'Connor Associate Professor (Clinical), Director of Program Evaluation Center for Professional Development & Education ReformEducational Leadership LeChase Hall 414 (585) 274-0313 nahoko@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Nahoko Kawakyu O'Connor /directory/joanne-larson Joanne Larson Michael W. Scandling Professor of Education & Associate Director of Research, Center for Urban Education SuccessTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 478 (585) 275-0900 jlarson@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Joanne Larson /directory/kristen-love Kristen Love Assistant Professor (Clinical)Teaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 456 (585) 273-5443 klove@warner.rochester.edu /directory/april-luehmann April Luehmann Associate ProfessorTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 472 (585) 275-3010 aluehmann@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: April Luehmann /directory/hennessey-lustica Hennessey Lustica Assistant Professor (Clinical)Counseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 493 (585) 273-2759 hlustica@warner.rochester.edu /directory/martin-lynch /directory/martin-lynch Martin Lynch Associate ProfessorCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 492 (585) 273-3408 mlynch@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Martin Lynch /directory/karen-mackie Karen Mackie Associate Professor (Clinical)Counseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 496 (585) 275-9557 kmackie@warner.rochester.edu /directory/andre-marquis Andre Marquis Associate ProfessorCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 494 (585) 275-5582 amarquis@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Andre Marquis /directory/valerie-marsh Valerie Marsh Associate Professor (Clinical), Assistant Director Center for Urban Education Success, Director GRADE ProgramTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 468 (585) 210-9754 Valerie.Marsh@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Valerie Marsh /directory/david-mcadam David McAdam Associate Professor (Clinical)Counseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 482 (585) 273-2759 dmcadam@warner.rochester.edu /directory/patrick-mccue Patrick McCue Assistant Professor (Clinical)Educational Leadership LeChase Hall 417 pmccue@warner.rochester.edu /directory/amanda-mcleroy Amanda McLeroy Assistant ProfessorCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 496 (585) 275-6305 amcleroy@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity /directory/kevin-meuwissen Kevin Meuwissen Associate Professor (Clinical) & ChairTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 464 (585) 273-5940 kmeuwissen@warner.rochester.edu /directory/david-miller David Miller Associate Professor (Clinical) and Associate Director Center for Learning in the Digital AgeCenter for Learning in the Digital Age LeChase Hall 447 dmiller@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: David Miller /directory/martha-mock Martha Mock Professor (Clinical) and Director of the Center for Disability and EducationTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 476 (585) 276-3363 mmock@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Martha Mock /directory/adrienne-morgan Adrienne Morgan Associate Professor (joint appointment; main affiliation: URMC)Educational Leadership adrienne.morgan@rochester.edu /directory/shaun-nelms Shaun Nelms Professor (Clinical), William & Sheila Konar Director of the Center for Urban Education SuccessEducational Leadership Wallis Hall (585) 273-1374 shaun.nelms@rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Shaun Nelms /directory/sarah-peyre Sarah Peyre ProfessorHealth Professions Education URMC 1-5528 ssarah_peyre@urmc.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Sarah Peyre /directory/manuel-rivera Manuel Rivera Associate Professor (Clinical)Educational Leadership LeChase Hall 423 (585) 276-5901 mrivera@warner.rochester.edu /directory/bonnie-rubenstein Bonnie Rubenstein Professor (Clinical), Chair Counseling & Human Development & Director Urban Teaching & Leadership ProgramCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 486 (585) 275-5163 brubenstein@warner.rochester.edu /directory/tricia-shalka Tricia Shalka Associate ProfessorEducational Leadership LeChase Hall 412 (585) 275-0048 tshalka@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Tricia Shalka /directory/hairong-shang-butler Hairong Shang-Butler Associate Professor (Clinical)Teaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 450 (585) 276-7426 hshang@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Hairong Shang-Butler /directory/silvia-sorensen Silvia Sörensen Associate ProfessorCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 488 (585) 273-2952 ssorensen@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Silvia Sörensen /directory/carol-anne-st-george Carol Anne St. George Sheila Konar ProfessorTeaching & Curriculum LeChase Hall 454 (585) 275-0967 cstgeorge@warner.rochester.edu /directory/melissa-sturge-apple Melissa Sturge-Apple Interim Dean of the Warner School of Education and Human DevelopmentDean's Office LeChase Hall 322A (585) 275-0880 melissa.sturge-apple@rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Melissa Sturge-Apple /directory/nestor-tulagan Nestor Tulagan Assistant ProfessorCounseling & Human Development LeChase Hall 491 (585) 275-6355 ntulagan@warner.rochester.edu Research & Scholarly Activity: Nestor Tulagan /directory/patricia-vaughan-brogan Patricia Vaughan-Brogan Assistant Professor (Clinical)Educational Leadership LeChase Hall 420 (585) 276-7531 pvaughanbrogan@warner.rochester.edu Explore Faculty Directory Postdoctoral Fellows Professor Emeritus