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Cynthia Callard

Professor (Clinical) and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies

Dean's Office

EdD, University of Rochester (teaching and curriculum)
MA, University of Maryland (mathematics education)
BA, State University of New York - Potsdam (mathematics)


Cynthia Callard joined the Warner School in 2001 in the teaching and curriculum department teaching courses in mathematics education. Prior to serving as associate dean for academic affairs, she was the executive director of the Center for Professional Development and Education Reform. Before her directorship, she served as the Center’s director of mathematics education outreach for more than a decade.

As part of her work at Warner, Callard directed and oversaw all project activities for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Noyce Master Teacher Fellowship grants as the principal investigator (PI), a role she has played in Phase I since 2012 and most recently in Phase II (2015-20). The combined NSF funding of $5 million has enabled the Center to increase the number of K-12 master teachers and teacher leaders in math and science in urban settings.  An experienced professional development provider, Callard also facilitated mathematics professional development institutes and provided support to teachers and administrators across the region in high quality mathematics instruction as well as teach courses at Warner. Callard was also involved with the University’s Educational Partnership Organization (EPO) partnership with East, collaborating with others to oversee and support the implementation of the long-term professional development plan for East teachers, administrators, and staff.

Previously, she served as project director of a $2.4 million NSF-funded project, "Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge" (2002-09) and has been involved in various NSF and New York State Department of Education grants supporting mathematics education reform.

In addition to her work at Warner, Callard has taught middle school mathematics for more than 25 years. She is certified in New York to teach elementary school and secondary school mathematics.