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Deadline extended from March 10 to March 17

Showcasing Warner Research

The inaugural Warner Research Days offer students and faculty a new platform to showcase and celebrate their research. Warner Research Days is a multi-day event that consists of research symposiums, poster sessions, flash talk presentations, and networking, showcasing both student and faculty research.

Present Your Research & Attend!

Register to attend and/or submit your abstracts by March 17
Questions? Email

Graphic reading, "2025 Inaugural Warner Research Days - Showcasing Warner Research - Engage in research, gain inspiration, and connect with the Warner community."

Faculty Research Symposium

FRIDAY, APRIL 4  |  5:00 - 7:00 p.m.  |  2nd Floor LeChase Hall

A faculty research symposium followed by a networking reception and poster session.

Student Research Showcase

SATURDAY, APRIL 5  |  10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  |  2nd Floor LeChase Hall

Poster sessions and flash research presentations, followed by a reception and awards ceremony.

Presenter Resources

We are pleased to provide you with poster printing instructions and a series of workshops to help you to prepare to present your research at Warner Research Days.

  1. Visit this site: 
  2. Sign in with your AD account. If you are logging in outside of campus, you have to sign in to the Campus VPN.
  3. Upload the .pdf version of your poster.
  4. Once you uploaded a file, click on the “Preview/Change Options”. 
    1. This should bring you to the “Refine your Print options”. Click on the Printing type
    2. Once the box pops up you will need to select “Wide Format [PPS-X581]”. Also select either Matte or Gloss in the box below, 1-sided printing, if you need a poster tube you will find them in the "other" option. 
  5. In the "special instructions” box please type in the final poster size (48 inches by 36 inches) needed and when you will need poster printed and ready for pick by.
  6. Ensure you preview the poster and that everything fits and is appropriately formatted. Once you submit for printing, you will not have the opportunity to make changes.
  7. Input the account number provided in the email you received congratulating you on being accepted to present. If you need this account number, please contact the Office for Student Success (  
  8. Check the box that says, "I have viewed and approve changes made". This box is right underneath the "Preview/Change Options" link. 
    • Once that box is checked, you should be able to submit the job by clicking the "submit job" button at the bottom of the page. 
  9. Email Brandon Inguaggiato, the Warner Accountant, to confirm the print order you purchased (“Hi Brandon, I want to confirm that I just submitted an order for a poster to be presented at Warner Research Days. Thank you, NAME”)

At the latest, poster orders must be made the week before the start of the Warner Research Days (March 28, 2025). After this, we will not be able to get your posters made, and you will need to arrange printing elsewhere at your own expense. No Exceptions.

Register for one or all of the upcoming workshops designed to help you effectively communicate your research through engaging presentations, whether in a flash talk, a research poster, or a practice session.

WORKSHOP I: Tips for Creating an Amazing Flash Presentation
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
3 to 3:45 p.m. 

Danielle Daniels, 2024 winner of the University of Rocheser's  Three-Minute Thesis, will conduct this workshop focusing on translating a complex research project into a short 5-minute presentation using no more than 3 slides.  Join Danielle via this Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 969 5324 9854).

WORKSHOP II: Your Research Poster & YOU: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Research Poster
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 
5 p.m. 

This is an online workshop focused on creating and presenting research posters for the 2025 Inaugural Warner Research Days and other conferences. The session will provide helpful tips and resources when creating research posters and when engaging in thoughtful conversations about your poster with audiences. Facilitated by Nestor Tulagan, assistant professor of counseling & human development, the workshop aims to teach useful and easy-to-learn technical skills in designing a poster and to empower students to present their exciting research with audiences from various expertise.

Register at: (a Zoom invitation to the workshop will be sent upon registering).

WORKSHOP III: Research Days Practice Session
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
4 to 5 p.m. 
LeChase Hall 239

Gather with other presenters for an informal and supportive opportunity to practice talking about your poster or to present your flash talk before the real thing. This will be an in-person session. Associate Dean for Research Sami Daley will be there to coordinate, answer questions, and help you feel confident heading into the event.


2025 Research Awards

Awards will be announced during the April 5 awards ceremony at Warner Research Days.


For disability-related accommodations, please contact Mary Judge-Diegert at (585) 273-1838 or email