Education & Counseling LibrarianAs a Warner School student, you'll have access to your own librarian, who serves much like a research coach. The Education and Counseling librarian will:Help you find the highest quality books and articles for your research.Assist in brainstorming/concept mapping/focusing your research questions.Show you tips and tricks for efficient research.Introduce you the best tools for tracking your research and managing your citations.Help you navigate research for literature reviews and research proposals.Connect you with other library staff to help.Be a sounding board when you’re just not sure what you need Need Assistance?Eileen Daly-BoasEducation & Counseling Librarian Book an appointment Explore Students Welcome to Warner Academic Life Registration & Schedules Student Experience Finances Policies & Forms Eileen Daly-BoasEducation & Counseling LibrarianRiver Campus Libraries (585) 288-3130 Education & Counseling Sources River Campus Libraries Interlibrary Loan Counseling Journals Research Services Google Scholar