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The University of Rochester’s online learning management system is called Blackboard. Faculty make assignments and post messages through Blackboard, so you should use it regularly and check with your faculty about applicability to their courses. 

Accessing Your Courses on Blackboard

  • Blackboard will work best in the most recent versions of supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • ChromeOS / Chromebook and Internet Explorer are not supported. 
  • Check your browser for compatibility with Blackboard
  • Use your Active Directory ID.
  • Always log out at the end of your Blackboard session to maintain the privacy and security of your course information.

Using Blackboard

Once you login to Blackboard, you will have access to a list of your registered courses. After you register, allow 48 hours for your class to show up.  Courses are usually not made available to students until the start of the current terms classes. If one of your courses is not listed after 48 hours, email and include both your Active Directory ID and the missing course number. 

Within the Blackboard environment there are also student related tabs that provide direct access to other student services and your student record:

  • MyAccount - The My Account tab always you to pay your student tuition bill.
  • Student Access - The Student Access tab provides access to your academic history, course schedule with room numbers, grades, student holds, account statement and pending refunds.
  • Libraries – Online access to the catalog, eJournal’s, databases, and more.
  • Help – basic Blackboard facts and contact info.