Explore Students Welcome to Warner Academic Life Registration & Schedules Student Experience Finances Policies & Forms Freelance Editors and ProofreadersWriting Support Services has compiled a list of external freelance editors and dissertation coaches available to help Warner students with their writing and research processes. Freelancers can help with editing, proofreading, checking references, and, in the case of coaches, with the dissertation process. Each freelancer has provided a brief description of their services and experience as well as their resume. Beyond obtaining these qualifications, Writing Support Services is not involved in evaluating freelancers’ work or fees. Each freelancer sets their own rates for their services.IndividualsTaryn Aldrichtaryn@tarynaldrich.com Taryn Aldrich is a professional editor who offers copy editing services and writing coaching to graduate students and academic faculty, many of whom are non-native English speakers. Her editing work spans a variety of disciplines, including STEM fields. She focuses on editing scholarly manuscripts and dissertations prior to publication. She also works on grant and research proposals, CVs and job applications, and similar materials. She holds an MA in Professional Writing in addition to undergraduate and graduate degrees in the humanities and social sciences. She previously managed a university writing center and worked in educational publishing. Her clients’ articles have been published in a variety of top-tier journals. Taryn Aldrich resumeSharon BearBearWrite@aol.comSharon Bear has been providing editing services for faculty in education and related fields for 30 years. She is currently the faculty editor for the College of Educational Studies at Chapman University at Orange, California; Center for Hearing and Deafness at the State University of New York at Buffalo; and Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the State University of New York at Albany, as well as the manuscript editor for Issues in Teacher Education (a journal of the California Council on Teacher Education). She has a Ph.D. in Education, with a specialty in Counseling Psychology, from the University of Southern California. She has been working privately with faculty and doctoral students since 1985, assisting with the design and organization, as well as the editing of proposals, journal articles, books and research papers. In addition, she has edited books in the areas of education, psychology and social work. Sharon Bear resumeJohanna Bond, LMHCjbondperspectives@gmail.comperspectivesroc.comJohanna Bond is a licensed mental health counselor in private practice at Perspectives Mental Health Counseling. She is also a freelance writer and editor. She has written previously for the New York Times Well blog, and the Huffington Post blog. She gained editing experience as a literary editorial intern for Little, Brown, and currently offers editing services through her business, Perspectives' Pen. She offers editing for academic writing, creative writing (including non-fiction blogs as well as fiction), and writing in the mental health field. Johanna Bond resumeAmy Calabrese-Metcalfe(585) 314-9773Amy Calabrese-Metcalfe has more than 15 years of experience in writing and editing. She has worked as a writer and editor for Garden Design, Glamour, The New York Times Magazine and Rochester Magazine. She has also worked as a writer, editor and proofreader for RIT and the University of Rochester.Janine Carlockjaninecarlockcoach@gmail.comCarlock has taught ESL for more than 25 years, composition for 15 years and worked in a writing center for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years she has also done freelance editing for grad/PhD students and faculty at the University of Pittsburgh and around the world in engineering, bioinformatics, health and rehabilitation sciences, philosophy, business and other fields. She finds joy in editing and is committed to helping writers make their writing the best it can be. She has written four books on writing: The ESL Writer's Handbook and Workbook and The International Student's Guide to Writing a Research Paper with co-authors and a solo book called Information Literacy: A Guide to Finding, Evaluating and Citing Sources.Rachel Cronecronehistoricalconsulting@gmail.comRachel Crone is a dissertation writing coach and editor. Crone has an M.A. in History from Binghamton University in New York and has worked with several Organizational Leadership graduate students who have successfully defended their dissertations. Crone has worked with multiple academic journals as both a peer reviewer and copy editor, honing her critical thinking skills and attention to grammatical detail. She specializes in the Chicago Manual of Style but has also learned APA in-text requirements while working with previous clients. Crone specializes in early dissertation work, ensuring that the written document's quality is readable before it gets to the advisor so that the advisor can concentrate on the deeper field-related questions. While she can do proofreading edits, she prefers to work with the writer over multiple drafts to create a trusting relationship and lay the groundwork for a more grammatically and syntactically solid document.Rose Ernstrose@roseernst.netroseernst.netRose Ernst is a developmental editor and writing coach specializing in social sciences, as well as history, law and interdisciplinary social sciences/humanities. Ernst offers revise and resubmit services, Institutional Review Board application review and fellowship application review. She supports writers in producing coherent, elegant and persuasive research papers, journal articles, theses/dissertations and books. Rose Ernst resumeMartha J. Hoffphd-ready.commartha@mhoff.org(716) 361-3593 Different students, learners, and writers have their own ways in which they transfer their voice, knowledge and passion into the written word. But frequently, poor organization, APA formatting complexities and grammatical issues distract the reader’s attention from even the most profound and groundbreaking research. Since 2002 Martha Hoff has taught and worked with a vast number of graduate students. From course papers, theses, dissertation proposals and dissertations she has worked with students, guiding them to put their ideas and thoughts into clear, fluid prose. With a deep understanding of how to overcome the challenges inherent in the writing step of the dissertation journey, Hoff founded PhD-Ready, a dissertation writing support service. She is passionate about and truly enjoys the academic editing process, and delights in that sense of accomplishment that comes when good ideas shine through clear, concise writing. Hoff's educational background includes a PhD in Teaching and Curriculum from the Warner School of Education (the impact of mobile technology on literacy practices), M.Ed. from Canisius College in Buffalo (Reading Specialist), and a B.A.Sc. in Applied Human Nutrition from the University of Guelph. Martha Hoff resumeJennifer King, Ph.D.jennifer.m.king.phd@gmail.comJennifer King is a freelance reviewer and editor (in addition to being a secondary ELA educator). She pursued her doctoral studies at the Warner School from 2005 to 2013, earning her Ph.D. in Teaching, Curriculum and Change in 2013. Her specialization is English education and adolescent literacies. While at Warner, she was a coordinator and tutor for Writing Support Services from 2005 to 2008 and the acting director of the secondary English education program from 2009 to 2011. She serves on the editorial review board for the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy and reviews for English Education; she has also published in these peer-reviewed journals. Her goal is to support people on their doctoral journeys, and to that end, she seeks to understand client needs and then adapt services and timelines accordingly. She is available for reviewing and editing services for comprehensive exams, dissertation proposals, dissertation drafts, journal article manuscripts and conference proposals and presentations. She is also available to assist with master’s theses.Carmel Priore-Garlockcpgwriter@gmail.com585 729-4969Carmel Priore-Garlock is a professional writer and editor, with experience spanning the sectors of education, business, and industry. She has provided research editing services at the Rochester Institute of Technology, the University of Rochester, St. John Fisher College, Roberts Wesleyan College, the Cary Graphic Arts Press, Urban Choice Charter School and the George Eastman House. Carmel Priore-Garlock resumePatricia Roesch proesch@rochester.rr.com(585) 671-0725Patricia Roesch has many years of experience editing theses and dissertations for students in a wide variety of disciplines including the arts, sociology and psychology, health care, religion, executive management, education, science and technology, and music. She edited online textbooks for the State University of New York. As Manager of Editorial Services for the Webster Research Center at Xerox Corporation, she edited papers and reports in optics, engineering, chemistry, materials science, and other areas comprising the research of this leader in imaging science. This work was published in scientific and technical journals, corporate research reports, patent applications, and numerous general interest publications. Patricia is currently transcribing documents for Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Rochester. She is frequently on River Campus and is available for in-person consultation. She has a master’s in journalism from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s in English from the University of Rochester. Gail Schwartz(802) 777-9931gailmarleneschwartz@gmail.comgailwrites.netGail Marlene Schwartz is a dual citizen, a queer mom, and pickleball champion of her household. She is the author of the award-winning novel, Falling Through the Night, along with My Sister's Girlfriend, The Loudest Bark, Clementine in Quarantine, and multiple published short stories and essays. She provides developmental and copyediting for authors of fiction and nonfiction, and is a member of the Editorial Freelancers' Association. She taught writing at the Community College of Vermont for over 20 years and is a founding contributing editor of Hotch Potch Literature and Art. She's passionate about helping writers birth their books and make them the best possible versions of themselves.For Gail Marlene Schwartz, could you also add her resume the same way others have their resumes at the end of their bios? I am attaching the resume to this email. Gail Schwartz resumeElizabeth Schiavoni(603) 965-5400lifesciencewriting@gmail.comElizabeth Schiavoni is a freelance medical and science writer who works with writers from diverse disciplines. She has worked through the writing center at the University at Buffalo since 2016 and is known for meeting needs of writers with learning disabilities. Susanna Thornhillwritingcoach@susannathornhill.comSusanna Thornhill is a literacy educator with more than twenty years’ experience in elementary and adult education. A long-time fan of words, she began her elementary teaching career instructing second language learners in Thailand. Susanna pursued her doctoral studies at Arizona State University, where she and four other female colleagues formed the Fab Five and supported one another across their dissertation finish lines in 2011. The camaraderie, empathy, and stamina nurtured in this group formed the basis by which Susanna supports other academic writers to meet their academic goals. After earning tenure and spending six years coaching doctoral students in a faculty role, Susanna now enjoys collaborating one-on-one with clients seeking writing support for their tenure process or doctoral journey. She specializes in using the track changes feature in Word to offer high-quality developmental editing to strengthen writers’ academic voice in dissertations, theses, comprehensive exams, and article manuscripts. APA proofreading and formatting are also available. Writers who are interested can also consult with Susanna via Zoom on a short or long-term basis, to better understand their writing challenges and obtain tailored support to grow their skills. Susanna Thornhill resumeDana Watsondkwatson@gmail.com Dana is a professional copy editor who has been specializing in helping users of English as an additional language with academic papers in a wide range of fields for the past decade. She has a BA in Spanish from Grinnell College and an MA in TESOL from Michigan State University. She studied Spanish in Chile, and has taught English as a foreign language in Japan and China, as well as English as a second language in both the classroom and individual tutoring environments in the US to students from a variety of language backgrounds.Susan Williams(706) 621-2638susanwilliamswriting@gmail.comSusan Williams works with clients who are preparing papers for academic admission, conference presentations and publication in various academic journals. She has extensive experience editing for tenure-track professors seeking publication in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals, with several manuscripts having been published. Williams also has experience editing application essays and personal statements for students seeking admission into various academic programs. She has TESOL certification and specializes in editing for non-native English speakers. Subjects in which Williams has experience include applied linguistics, digital learning, TESOL, pharmacology, finance, architecture, computer science and engineering. She edits using the track changes feature in Microsoft Word, LATEX (LyX) and Overleaf. Williams prides herself on providing exemplary and timely editing services. Susan Williams resumeClare Zurawclarezuraw@gmail.comClare Zuraw is a Warner School graduate (MS ’09) who has worked with English language learners for ten years. She has taught academic writing at Baltimore City Community College and Michigan Technological University and provides editing services specializing in the needs of second language writers. Clare Zuraw resume CompaniesDr. Danielsemilyad@gmail.comdrdanielsacademicconsulting.comDr. Emily Daniels graduated from the University of Rochester’s Warner School of Education in 2010 with a fire in her belly for creating social change. Her work as an Assistant Professor of Graduate Education, and as an Adjunct faculty member in two Global Leadership PhD programs led her to develop her own small business supporting and mentoring graduate students (and faculty) in their writing journeys. Dr. Daniels Academic Consulting emerged during the pandemic in 2020 as a result. Her website can be found here: https://www.drdanielsconsulting.com/She is an award-winning author, a national and international speaker, and a dedicated educator with over 20 years’ experience. She has a deep love for helping clients surface and refine their writing voice, and her mission is to assist folks through the many challenges of academia in a relationally based, empowering manner. Her passions include the fields of education, social justice, leadership, herbalism, and “good trouble.” Her LinkedIn profile can be found here.Eloquentieloquenti.comEloquenti is an online marketplace of freelancers and scientific experts providing proofreading and editorial services to academics. It was launched by academic researchers who found existing proofreading agencies overpriced and lacking in transparency. Eloquenti is a new and modern platform for editing and writing services, which allows customers to browse freelancer profiles and select professionals based on reviews, subject matter expertise, and pricing.Quick Brown Fox ConsultingAlice Daer and Carrie Gillonquickbrownfoxconsulting.com(480) 359-7485Alice Daer and Carrie Gillon are the co-founders of Quick Brown Fox Consulting. They are two former “R1” university professors with more than 40 combined years of teaching writing, conducting research,and publishing scholarship. They read and respond to work across STEM, Social Sciences and Humanities. Alice Daer has a PhD in Writing and Rhetoric from University of Wisconsin-Madison and has worked with writers for more than 20 years, helping them overcome their anxiety and meet their goals. Carrie Gillon has a PhD in Linguistics from the University of British Columbia and specializes in dissertation, thesis, manuscript, and article editing, proofreading and formatting, including APA, Chicago/Turabian, AMA and Bluebook. Quick Brown Fox Consulting provides one-on-one mentoring and coaching appointments, one-off reviews of documents before they’re sent off for publication, and editing/formatting services. Alice Daer resume - Carrie Gillon resumeRunning InkKatie Lang & Taylor Duncan info@runninginkwriting.com(412) 443-5701With more than 15 years of combined experience in graduate level writing and research, Katie Lang and Taylor Duncan are co-founders of Running Ink, an editing, proofreading and coaching service. Katie Lang is an Assistant Professor of English at the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, PA. She holds an MA in Literary & Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University, a BA in English from Duquesne University and a PA Secondary English Education Certificate from the University of Pittsburgh. Lang has worked as a private writing consultant, tutor and editor for the past 13 years. Taylor Duncan is a full-time librarian at a university with a student body of more than 95 percent graduate students. She holds an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh, an MA in Literary & Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University and a BA in English from Duquesne University. Aside from librarianship, Duncan has held positions as a tutor, technical writer, copy editor and QA analyst. Running Ink specializes in dissertation, thesis, manuscript, and essay editing and proofreading, ESL/ELL editing and proofreading, resume/CV editing and proofreading, transcription, research and academic coaching, and style formatting including APA, MLA, Chicago, CBE. Katie Lang resume - Taylor Duncan resume