Noyce Scholarship ProgramInspire the Next Generation: Become a Teacher in Science, Math, or Computer ScienceAre you passionate about science, mathematics, or computer science? The Noyce Scholarship Program is your opportunity to make a lasting impact by teaching in high-need school districts.At the Warner School, this prestigious program offers scholarships, training and comprehensive support to help talented graduates in these specialty areas to prepare for a teaching career. With a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation, we will award 21 scholarships over the next five years to shape the future of education while addressing critical teacher shortages. Discover how you can make a positive impact!Now accepting applications for the 2025-26 academic year. Explore Noyce Scholarships Teacher Residency Higher Education Emerging Leader Fellowship Designated Leader Scholarship Urban Teaching and Leadership Scholarship Subject Speciality Options Master's for Science Teachers Master's for Math Teachers Master's for Computer Science Teachers About the Scholarship Program The Warner School is committed to developing the next generation of STEM teachers to serve students with the greatest needs. Our goal is to prepare these educators to effectively implement the new New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency standards within their subject areas. To attract the best candidates for these positions, we have secured a grant from the prestigious National Science Foundation Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, providing 21 full scholarships for eligible teacher candidates. Admitted candidates will receive a substantial scholarship to attend our state-approved and nationally accredited teacher preparation program. Noyce Scholar BenefitsAll Noyce Scholars are entitled to the following benefits:Full tuition waiver for a program leading to New York State teaching certification in Adolescence Education as a specialist in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science, or in K-12 computer science.Additional free coursework and experiences to support the implementation of the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency standards.Support during the first year of teaching through a facilitated online professional learning community. Application ProcessThe first required step is to apply to one of our Master’s in Teaching with Initial Certification programs in math, science or computer science. To apply, visit: your interest in being considered for a Noyce Scholarship.We welcome applications on a rolling basis; applications will be reviewed bi-weekly and complete applications will move forward in the admissions process. However, applicants planning to complete the program full-time in 15 months must apply by April 1. Who Should Apply?To qualify for a Noyce scholarship, candidates must:Be accepted into a Warner teacher preparation program in mathematics, science or computer science.Hold a BA or BS with a major in a STEM discipline.Hold a minimum number of credits in your specialization (if math: 30 credits in mathematics; if science: a total of 30 credits in the sciences, of which at least 18 must be in your subject area of certification; if computer science: 12 credits in computer science).Commit to completing the program of study outlined.Pledge to teach for at least two years in a high-need school within four years of graduating from the program. Program of Study If starting in May and pursuing the program full-time, Noyce Scholars will be able to complete their teacher preparation program in 15 months, taking the following sequence of courses as a cohort (with just a few variations depending on their subject area of specialization as indicated below). First Summer:Disability and Schools (3 credits)Integrating Science & Literacy (science specialists only) (3 credits)Integrating Computer Science Standards Across the Curriculum–Part 1 (1 credit)Integrating STEM & Technology (including an interdisciplinary summer camp) (3 credits)Race, Class, Gender & Disability in American Education (3 credits) Fall:Topics in Teaching & Schooling 1 (1 credit)First Math/Science/Computer Science Methods Course (3 credits)Integrating Computer Science Standards Across the Curriculum – Part 2 (1 credit)Digitally-Rich Teaching & Learning in K-12 Schools (3 credits)Digitally-Rich Teaching & Learning Practicum 1 (1 credit)Field Experiences in the Subject Area of Specialization (2 credits) Spring:Topics in Teaching & Schooling 2 (2 credits)Second Math/Science Methods Course (math/science specialists) (3 credits)Integrating Computer Science Standards Across the Curriculum–Part 3 (1 credit)Field Experience in Integrating Computer Science Across the Curriculum (1 credit)Digitally-Rich Teaching & Learning Practicum 2 (1 credit)Student Teaching (7 credits) Second Summer:Digitally-Rich Teaching & Learning Practicum 3 (1 credit)Literacy Learning as Social Practice (math & computer science specialists could take this course in First Summer if desired) (3 credits) Adolescent Development and Youth Culture (3 credits)Teaching English Language Learners in Content Classrooms (3 credits)Comprehensive Teaching Portfolio (0 credits) Ready to Apply? Start Your Application We welcome applications on a rolling basis. The next priority application deadline is April 1, 2025. Start your application for Summer or Fall 2025 today. View deadline details Contact Admissions (585) 275-3950 Request information
We welcome applications on a rolling basis. The next priority application deadline is April 1, 2025. Start your application for Summer or Fall 2025 today.