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Research Projects

The faculty at the Warner School are active scholars involved in a variety of research projects.

Academic Toll of Online Racial Trauma Exposure on College Students

Professors examine the relationships between vicarious racial trauma exposure and students' academic experience and performance.

Covid Connects Us: Nurturing Novice Teachers' Justice Science Teaching Identities

The research team will generate insights into transforming science education into a justice-centered, community-serving endeavor

Rural Mathematics Education Landscape

The research team will shed light on the unique circumstances educators face in rural settings and provide valuable recommendations to enhance mathematics instruction in these communities.

Fulbright Distinguished Teachers

The Fulbright Program, brings international primary and secondary teachers to the United States for a semester-long program to pursue projects, take courses and observe and share their expertise with U.S. colleagues.  

Intrinsic Motivation in Science Museums: Learning from and Broadening Participation of Visitors with Learning Disabilities

The Warner School of Education and Human Development is leading a study on the learning and engagement experiences of youth with learning disabilities in informal learning environments, such as science centers and museums.

Motivation in Science among Students with Learning Disabilities: Broadening Participation and Persistence

This NSF-funded project works with experienced science educators to better understand how the motivational beliefs of middle and high school students with learning disabilities influence whether they will pursue degrees and careers in STEM fields.

Project ENGOAL: Engaging Older Adult Learners as Health Researchers

Collaborative community project designed to develop patient partners to help shape current and future geriatric research, as well as clinical services, and a research project involving Warner School of Education and Human Development students.

Project SyncOn: Online Professional Learning for Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers in Rural Contexts

This NSF-funded project provides teachers in rural school districts access to innovative online professional learning experiences in mathematics, and studies the online activities to better understand the limitations and benefits.

Cognitive Training to Protect Immune Systems of Older Caregivers

This study tests the effectiveness and mechanisms of cognitive training for spousal caregivers of patients with dementia in protecting against chronic stress-induced aging of the immune system.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients

This study seeks to identify the role of mindfulness-based stress reduction training in enhancing adaptive immune responses and influenza infection in older dementia caregivers.

Project REBUILD-VL: A Resilience-Building Intervention to Prevent Late-Life Depression with Vision Loss

This project aims to strengthens the capacity of older adults with vision loss to cope with current and future problems in order to prevent new depression symptoms and reduce current symptoms.

Freedom Schools as Settings for Youth Development: Identifying Community-Based Assets and Accountability Criteria

This case study examines varied forms of cultural capital as indicators/criteria for youth development grounded in community goals and standards for their school-aged children.

Department Chairs: School Leadership's Missing Link

This study strives to frame the skills that secondary school department chairs need to manage their programs effectively.

The Hidden Cost of School Security

This study examines how much districts spend on security, how they use those resources, and the extent to which spending differs across districts.

Motivation and College Success

This work is expanding the cultural motivation theory model to incorporate cultural orientations to explain students’ intent to persist and GPA.