Publications & Scholarly Works2025Randall Curren’s, professor of educational leadership, comprehensive 25,000-word overview of the Philosophy of Education, has been published in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2025 Edition). Nestor Tulagan, assistant professor of counseling and human development, coauthored the article “Black and Latinx Parent's STEM Support Matters: How Patterns of Parent Support Relate to Adolescents' STEM Outcomes Across High School” in the Developmental Psychology online journal.Nestor Tulagan, assistant professor of counseling and human development, coauthored the article “’If I Can’t Help, I Find Someone Who Can’: Lower-SES Latine Parents’ Adaptive Responses to Math Support Challenges” in the Social Psychology of Education journal.Samantha Daley, associate professor of counseling & human development, educational leadership and teaching & curriculum, the article "Universal Design of Educational Psychology? Improving Theory and Application by Focusing on Students with Disabilities, in Educational Psychologist.2024Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum, and Christine Green ‘19W (MS), ‘20W (PhD), coauthored the article “Tensions and Alignment between Simultaneous Implementations of an Ambitious Mathematics Program and Understanding by Design” in the Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.Kimberly Fluet, assistant professor in the Center for Professional Development and Education Reform, co-authored “Mentoring: Shaping the Professional Identity of the Academic Internal Medicine Hospitalist” in the Journal of Hospital Medicine.Andrea Barrett, assistant professor of educational leadership, Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum, and Nathan Harris, assistant professor of educational leadership, coauthored the article “Exploring Artificial Intelligence Implications for Higher Education Student Affairs,” published in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. Valerie Marsh, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, Jayne Lammers, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, and PhD student Elizabeth Conroy coauthored the book chapter “Thought Buddies: How Partners in an RPP Expanded Roles and Navigated Boundaries?” in Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, published the essay “Navigating Difficult Classroom Conversations” in Inside Higher Education. In it, she offers strategies for preparing for, and leading, classroom discussions in moments of crisis and discomfort.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, and Fatima Abou Nassif Mourad, a PhD candidate in education policy, coauthored the article “Sketching the Contours of Belonging After College Student Trauma” in the Journal of College Student Development. Andre Marquis, associate professor of counseling and human development, was a guest editor of a new issue of the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. In this special issue, titled “Unification in Psychotherapy: Current Status and Future Directions of the Fifth Pathway to Psychotherapy Integration,” he contextualizes unification within psychotherapy integration and psychotherapy in general and describes some of the different dimensions of unification. Eric Fredericksen, professor of educational leadership, was a principal author of “CHLOE 9 | Strategy Shift: Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand,” a report that offers major takeaways from the ninth survey of U.S. chief online officers on how their two- and four-year schools are managing online learning.Randall Curren, professor of educational leadership, coauthored the article “Finding Consensus on Well-Being in Education” in Theory and Research in Education. Douglas Guiffrida, professor of counseling & human development, published “Who Gets Better, Who Doesn’t, and Why: A Summary (and Update) of an Integrative Mind/Body Intervention for Chronic Pain” in The Integrative Therapist. Pat Vaughan-Brogan, assistant professor of educational leadership, and David Miller, associate professor of education, coauthored the article “Do We Need AI Policies in K-12 Schools?” published in the spring 2024 issue of Vanguard, the magazine of the School Administrators Association of New York State. The article is based on their NSF study of K-12 leaders’ experiences and perceptions about AI, which was also led by Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; Karen DeAngelis, associate professor of educational leadership; and Yu Jung Han, ‘22W (PhD), postdoctoral fellow.Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; David Miller, associate professor of education; Patricia Vaughan-Brogan, assistant professor of educational leadership; Karen DeAngelis, associate professor of educational leadership; and Yu Jung Han ‘22W (PhD), postdoctoral fellow, coauthored “An AI Wishlist From School Leaders” in Phi Delta Kappan. Andrea Barrett, assistant professor of educational leadership, coauthored the article “Leadership Advocacy of AI Can Change the Future of Student Affairs Work” in the Academic Leader. Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum, and Christine Green ‘19W (MS), ‘20W (PhD), coauthored the article “Demands, tensions, and resources when implementing ambitious mathematics” in Education Policy Analysis Archives. A five-minute video commentary provides an overview of their article. Amanda McLeroy, assistant professor of counseling & human development, and Oliver Boxell, assistant professor of counseling & human development coauthored the paper “Developing an assessment battery to measure exposure to police brutality on social media among Black adolescents” in the International Journal of Social Science Studies. Andrea Barrett, assistant professor of educational leadership, coauthored the article “A growing list of questions on data use and AI for student affairs staff” in eCampus News.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, and Taylor Piva and Kaitlin Legg, PhD students, coauthored a chapter, “Trauma-informed faculty interactions with graduate students,” in Promoting Meaningful Student-Faculty Experiences in Graduate Education. Tiffany Steele, assistant professor of educational leadership, coauthored the article “Against all odds”: A collective Black feminist autoethnography of Black women doctoral students’ experiences in higher education programs” in the Journal of Diversity in Higher Ed. Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, published the essay ‘What else might be going on?’ in Inside Higher Ed.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, co-edited Creating Space for Ourselves as Minoritized and Marginalized Faculty, a book about ensuring successful career pathways for early career faculty. Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, and doctoral student Xiatinghan Xu co-published a book review of Thriving as a graduate writer: principles, strategies, and habits for effective writing in the Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2023Zachary Brown, postdoctoral fellow, authored the article "Recasting race-conscious admissions: Sylvia Wynter and higher education policy after 'man'" in Educational Policy. Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling and human development, and Jamil Lane ‘21W (Ph.D.) coauthored the article “Longitudinal effects of chemical and non-chemical stressors on executive functioning in low-income African American adolescents: A latent growth modeling analysis” in Social Science Research Network. Nancy Ares, associate professor of teaching and curriculum, published the article “Anti-racist, anti-oppressive curriculum development: A different entry point into work on racism and bias in higher education” in the International Journal for Academic Development. Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling and human development, Xupin Zhang ‘21W (PhD), and Jamil Lane ‘21W (PhD) coauthored the article “Investigating racial disparities in cancer crowdfunding: A comprehensive study of medical GoFundMe campaigns” in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. Douglas Guiffrida, professor of counseling & human development, coauthored the article “A qualitative study of clients with chronic pain who participated in an integrative mind/body psychotherapy intervention” in the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.April Luehmann, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, Yang Zhang ‘22W (PhD), and doctoral students Eve Tulbert, Gena Merliss and Kyle Sullivan coauthored the article “Toward a justice‐centered ambitious teaching framework: Shaping ambitious science teaching to be culturally sustaining and productive in a rural context” in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.Amanda McLeroy, assistant professor of counseling & human development, coauthored the article “Poverty, parenting stress, and adolescent mental health: The protective role of school connectedness reexamined” in Children and Youth Services Review.Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, and three doctoral students Adel Alshehri, Onesmo Mushi and Xiatinghan Xu co-published a chapter, “The Multilingualism of Global Academic Research and Communication Practices,” in the second edition of The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, wrote Cultivating Trauma-Informed Practice in Student Affairs, a book about how trauma manifests for post-secondary college students.Nicole King, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum, co-wrote the chapter “Collaborative multilingual families’ story making that transcends school policies and practices of inequity at community translanguaging spaces” in Advancing Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Approaches to Multilingual Family-School Partnerships.Nestor Tulagan, assistant professor of counseling and human development, coauthored the article “Patterns of African American parents' educational involvement: associations with adolescents' academic performance and motivational beliefs” in the Journal of Research on Adolescence.David Hursh wrote the foreword “On Caste and Curriculum” in the book Critical Perspectives on the Denial of Caste in Educational Debate.Eric Fredericksen, professor of educational leadership, was a principal author of “CHLOE 8: Student Demand Moves Higher Ed Toward a Multi-Modal Future,” a report that offers major takeaways from the eighth survey of U.S. chief online officers on how their two- and four-year schools are managing online learning.Shaun Nelms, professor of educational leadership, coauthored the article “Efforts to improve diversity, equality, and inclusion in sports medicine via community engagement initiatives within American cities divided by racial, social, and economic factors” in Clinics and Sports Medicine.Jamil Lane ‘21W (PhD), Alexis Zimmer, PhD student, and Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, coauthored the article “Racial differences in the effect of verbal and nonverbal memory on concrete planning for future care needs among older adults: a multi-group structural equation modeling approach” in Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition.Shaun Nelms, professor of educational leadership, wrote Leading with Purpose: Empowering Others to Create Lasting Change, a book about creating more equitable and inclusive schools through distributed leadership.Nicole King, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored the article “Enriching preservice teachers’ translanguaging stance and practices toward emergent bilingual learners through virtual professional development” in TESOL Journal.Andre Marquis, associate professor of counseling and human development, co-authored the fourth edition of the book Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy.David McAdam, associate professor of counseling and human development, published “Review of self-injurious behaviors in individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions” in the Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities.Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, co-published the chapter “Integrating awareness of academic reading into teaching writing in an additional language” in Insights into Teaching and Learning Writing: A Practical Guide for Early Career Teachers.Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, and Carmona Ross, PhD student, co-authored “Recruiting socially disconnected Latinos caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias during the COVID-19 Pandemic: lessons learned” in Clinical Gerontologist.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, published the chapter “Listening Deeply: Preparing to Facilitate Interviews and Focus Groups” in A Practical Guide to Teaching Research Methods in Education: Lesson Plans and Advice from Faculty.Amanda McLeroy, assistant professor of counseling & human development, co-wrote two chapters “Intake, Assessment, and Diagnosis” and “Areas of Clinical Focus” in The National Counselor Exam (NCE) and Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE) Study Guide.Alexander Eustice-Corwin, PhD student, Martin Lynch, associate professor of counseling & human development, and Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, coauthored the article “Moral development during emerging adulthood: Theoretical considerations and a neo-Aristotelian approach” in Human Development.Amanda McLeroy, assistant professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “’We’re not anti-police…We’re anti-police brutality’: An exploration of Black college freshmen’s perception of police brutality on social media” in the Journal of Adolescent Research.David Hursh, professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Making the public private: The privatization of public education” in the International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition).Nicole King, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Virtual professional development project on secondary teachers’ awareness of race, language, and culture” in Language Teaching.Nicole King, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum, co-edited Developing Translanguaging Repertoires in Critical Teacher Education, the first volume in the Critical Approaches in Applied Linguistics book series.2022Joanne Larson, Michael W. Scandling professor of education, and Eleni Duret '22W (PhD), postdoctoral fellow, co-wrote Doing and Being Hip-Hop in School; Best Class Ever, a book about hip-hop educational scholarship.Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “The role of instructional materials in the relationship between the official curriculum and the enacted curriculum” in Mathematical Thinking and Learning.Michael Daley, associate professor of education, and Cathleen Cerosaletti, associate director of program evaluation, co-authored “The associations of social and motivational factors to science and mathematics teacher retention” in Proceedings Book from the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.Cynthia Callard, associate dean and professor of teaching & curriculum; Jennifer Kruger, director of mathematics education outreach; and Genie Foster, associate director of mathematics education outreach, co-published the white paper “Coaching mathematics teachers in-person and online: A content-focused model.”Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, co-edited a special issue of the Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes. In the issue, Curry co-authored the Editorial, a position statement titled “Rethinking English as a lingua franca in scientific-academic contexts,” and the article “The dynamics of academic knowledge making in a multilingual world.”Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, co-wrote “How do we know (if) it works? A review of research evaluating publishing pedagogies for multilingual writers” in the Journal of Second Language Writing.Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Multilingualism in academic writing for publication: Putting English in its place” in Language Teaching.Samantha Daley, associate professor of counseling & human development, educational leadership and teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Measurement of science museum visitors’ emotional experiences at exhibits designed to engage productive struggle” in Curator: The Museum Journal.Karen DeAngelis, associate professor of educational leadership, and Brian Brent, Earl B. Taylor professor of educational leadership, co-wrote “Providing guidance: An inter- and intra-state analysis of Adequacy and Equity in the availability of school counselors” in the Journal of Education Finance (the article was the winner of 2023 National Education Finance Academy Journal of Education Finance Article of the Year Award).Eleni Duret '22W (PhD), a postdoctoral fellow, coauthored the “Unbound potential: identity as a process understood through creative writing” in New Writing.Kimberly Fluet, associate director for STEM higher education outreach and science education outreach, co-authored “Pencil puzzles as a context for introductory computing assignments in diverse settings” and “Effective succinct feedback for Intro CS Theory” in Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.Eric Fredericksen, professor of educational leadership, was a principal author of “CHLOE 7: Tracking Online Learning from Mainstream Acceptance to Universal Adoption,” a report that offers a detailed view of the online learning landscape in higher education at a pivotal point in the field’s development.Eric Fredericksen, professor of educational leadership, co-authored “The future of U.S. higher education with online learning—Two steps forward or one step back?” in The EvoLLLution.David Hursh, professor of teaching & curriculum, coauthored “What needs to happen for school autonomy to be mobilised to create more equitable public schools and systems of education?” in The Australian Educational Researcher.David Hursh, professor of teaching & curriculum, published the chapter “Beyond the neoliberal crisis in education: Educating for the common good” in the Handbook of Critical Approaches to Politics and Policy of Education.Jennifer Kruger, director of mathematics education outreach, co-wrote “With the right strategies, coaches can leverage co-teaching” in The Learning Professional.Valerie Marsh, associate professor of teaching & curriculum; Shaun Nelms, professor of educational leadership; Joanne Larson, Michael W. Scandling professor of education; and Sarah Peyre, dean and professor of education, published “How a university and school district made change together” in Phi Delta Kappan.Valerie Marsh, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, published “Disrupting segregated knowledge flows: Reflections from an evolving abolitionist” in English Education.Valerie Marsh, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, published “Fighting Inequities of Design,” a conversation with Shaun Nelms, professor of educational leadership, in Voices in Urban Education.Dave Miller, associate professor of education; Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; Zenon Borys, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum; Cynthia Callard, associate dean and professor of teaching & curriculum; Cynthia Carson, academic program coordinator; and Michael Occhino, director of science education outreach, co-wrote the chapter “Teacher leaders’ roles, preparation, and impact in a district-wide digital conversion” in The Power of Teacher Leaders.Shaun Nelms, professor of educational leadership, published “6 tips for education leaders working toward equitable schools” in THE Journal.Sarah Peyre, dean and professor of education, co-authored “Pursuing excellence: Innovations in designing an interprofessional clinical learning environment” in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, published “How a trauma-informed organization would change the face of higher education (and why we need it now more than ever” in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, published “Nurturing a trauma-informed student affairs division” in About Campus.Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, co-edited a special New Directions for Student Services issue titled “Trauma-informed practice in student affairs: Multidimensional considerations for care, healing, and wellbeing.” In the issue, she published “Re-envisioning student development theory through a trauma lens” and co-authored “Introduction to trauma-informed practice in student affairs” and the Editor’s Notes.Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “The helping older people engage (HOPE) study: Protocol & COVID modifications for a randomized trial” in Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.Xupin Zhang ‘15W (MS), ‘21W (PhD) and Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “The success of cancer crowdfunding campaigns: The influence of project and text features” in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Adaptation and validation of the preparation for future care needs scale for Chinese older adults in Hong Kong” in The Gerontologist.Tiffany Steele, assistant professor of educational leadership, co-authored “’No intervention, just straight suspension’: Family perspectives of suspension and expulsion” in Children and Youth Services Review.2021Nancy Ares, associate professor of teaching and curriculum, co-authored “The role of cultural claims to educational sovereignty” in the Journal of Curriculum Studies.Nancy Ares, associate professor of teaching and curriculum, co-authored “Community-based standards and community wealth in freedom schools” in Pedagogy, Culture & Society.Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; Dave Miller, associate professor of education; and Nathan Harris, assistant professor of educational leadership, co-wrote “Could COVID-19 be a catalyst for disruption in higher education?” in 2021: Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19.Brian Brent, Early B. Taylor professor of educational leadership; Karen DeAngelis, associate professor of educational leadership; and Nathan Harris, assistant professor of educational leadership, co-wrote “Don’t blink: Making ‘sound’ decisions” in School Business Affairs.Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; Zenon Borys, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum; Cynthia Callard, associate dean and professor of teaching & curriculum; Dave Miller, associate professor of education; and Michael Occhino, director of science education outreach, published “Lessons learned by STEM master teachers from the pandemic” as part of the National Science Foundation’s 2021 STEM For All Video Showcase.Zenon Borys, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum; Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching and curriculum; Cynthia Callard, associate dean and professor of teaching & curriculum; Michael Daley, associate professor of education; and Cynthia Carson, academic program coordinator; and Kimberly Fluet, associate director of STEM higher education outreach and science education outreach, published “STEM master teachers emerging as leaders during the pandemic” as part of the National Science Foundation’s 2021 STEM For All Video Showcase.Cynthia Callard, associate dean and professor of teaching & curriculum; Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum; and Cynthia Carson, academic program coordinator, co-authored the section “Online teaching labs to facilitate lesson analysis in mathematics methods courses and professional development contexts” in Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field.Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum; Cynthia Callard, associate dean and professor of teaching & curriculum; and Cynthia Carson, academic program coordinator; Jennifer Kruger, director of mathematics education outreach; and Genie Foster, associate director of mathematics education outreach, co-authored the chapter “A three-part synchronous online model for middle-grade mathematics teachers’ professional development” in Online Learning in Mathematics Education, a volume of the Research in Mathematics Education book series.Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum, and Cynthia Carson, academic program coordinator, co-wrote “Coaching from a distance: Exploring video-based online coaching” in Online Learning.Jeffrey Choppin, professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Influence of features of curriculum materials on the planned curriculum” in ZDM — Mathematics Education.Mary Jane Curry, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored An A to W of Academic Literacy: Key Concepts and Practices for Graduate Students, a guidebook on academic writing that she published with six Warner School doctoral students.Andrea Cutt, assistant professor of educational leadership; Dave Miller, associate professor of education; Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; and Zenon Borys, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum; co-authored “How to prepare future leaders for a crisis” in The Learning Professional.Michael Daley, associate professor of education; Raffaella Borasi, Frederica Warner professor of teaching & curriculum; and Dave Miller, associate professor of education, co-wrote the chapter “Machine learning: A new lens for integrating computational thinking and science in the high school classroom” in the Age of Inference: Cultivating a Scientific Mindset.Michael Daley, associate professor of education, co-authored “’Now, I want to teach it for real!:’ Introducing machine learning as a scientific discovery tool for K-12 teachers” in Artificial.Samantha Daley, associate professor of counseling & human development, educational leadership and teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Students with disabilities in social and emotional learning interventions: A systematic review” in Remedial and Special Education.Kathryn Douthit, professor of counseling & human development, and Andre Marquis, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Teen childbearing and offspring internalizing symptoms: The mediating role of child maltreatment” in Dev Psychopathol.Kathryn Douthit, professor of counseling & human development, co-authored the chapter “Sociosomatics and the Life Course: The Social Organization of Human Physiology and Gene Regulation” in Age and the Reach of Sociological Imagination.Kimberly Fluet, associate director for STEM higher education outreach and science education outreach, co-authored “Puzzles in many places: closing the loop on propagation” and “Witness feedback for introductory CS Theory assignments” in Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.Eric Fredericksen, professor of educational leadership, was a principal author of “CHLOE 6: Online Learning Leaders Adapt for a Post-Pandemic World,” a report that offers a detailed view of the online learning landscape in higher education at a pivotal point in the field’s development.Douglas Guiffrida, associate dean and professor of counseling & human development, published “The Good Enough Professor” in Inside Higher Ed.David Hursh, professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “The opt-out movement and the reform agenda in U.S. schools” in Teachers College Record.David Hursh, professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “The opt-out movement in New York: A grassroots movement to eliminate high-stakes testing and promote whole child public schooling” in Teachers College Record.Nicole King, assistant professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Enacting culturally sustaining immersion pedagogy through SFL and translanguaging design” in Foreign Language Annals.Joanne Larson, Michael W. Scandling professor of education, and Shaun Nelms, professor of educational leadership, co-wrote “Collaborating for equity in urban education: Comprehensive reform in an innovative university/school partnership” in Urban Education.Joanne Larson, Michael W. Scandling professor of education, and Eleni Duret '22W (PhD), postdoctoral fellow, co-authored “Challenging the autonomous wall: Literacy work in an urban high school” in the Journal of Literacy Research.Martin Lynch, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Social support, basic psychological needs, and social well-being among older cancer survivors” in The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.Martin Lynch, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-wrote “Adult learners’ responses to online learning: A qualitative analysis grounded in self-determination theory” in Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.Martin Lynch, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Two generations of mother-child relationships: A self-determination theory analysis of the social situation of development” in Psychology in Russia: State of the Art.Andre Marquis, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Unification: The fifth pathway to psychotherapy integration” in the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.Valerie Marsh, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, co-authored “Students as change-makers: Five steps to advocacy research” in English Journal.Valerie Marsh, associate professor of teaching & curriculum, published “Broadening student and teacher participation: Multimodal projects in a classroom affinity space” in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.David McAdam, associate professor of counseling & human development, and Kathryn Douthit, professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Shining a light on the challenging behaviors of adolescents with comorbid diagnoses: Use of pictorial concurrent operant preference assessment” in Children.David McAdam, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Behavior-analytic interventions for oral health care: A review of the literature and recommendations for clinical practice and research” in Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.David McAdam, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-published “Disorders, disabilities, and differences: Reconciling the medical model with a neurodiversity perspective” in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.Scott McGuiness, assistant professor in counseling & human development, co-published the case study “Fostering autonomy and specialized knowledge through Blackboard content management.”Tricia Shalka, associate professor of educational leadership, published “Traversing the shadow space: Experiences of spatiality after college student trauma” in The Review of Higher Education.Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-authored “Perspectives on aging-related preparation” in the Journal of Elder Policy (the article was a 2022 winner of The Carter & T. Franklin Williams M.D. Geriatric Award by the Rochester Academy of Medicine).Silvia Sörensen, associate professor of counseling & human development, co-published “Association of vision loss and depressive symptomatology in older adults assessed for ocular health in senior living facilities” in Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics.Stephen Uebbing, professor of educational leadership, published “Reversing a downward spiral” in School Administrator magazine. Explore Faculty & Research Publications Community Initiatives Research Projects